Appointment Forms


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If you decide to schedule a homeopathic consultation, I will need to talk to you on the telephone first to ascertain whether or not I feel that classical homeopathy will be of help. If you have been suffering for a long time, or take many conventional medications, classical homeopathy will not be a ”quick fix.” We'll probably need to work together for some time.

If it is decided to proceed, I will ask you to fill out a health questionnaire and bring it to the first consultation. You will also be asked to read and sign a document called Retainer Agreement Form. This clearly states that I am not a medical doctor and I do not provide a medical diagnosis.

Forms for your appointment are accessible by a password.  You will get the password when you call to set up your initial appointment.  If you do not remember the password, please call at 425.241.4376, or send an  email. 

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